
An introduction to the Seven Chakras (20 min)

This yoga classes is a basic, level 1 classes. Even if you’ve never done yoga before, you will be able to do these poses. Of course, check with your doctor first if you have any health concerns or injuries. If at any time you feel pain, honor your body and come out of the pose. Yoga should never be painful. Yes, you are working but it should not hurt.

I invite you to read the Chakra Handout. The handout will help you understand the purpose of the poses for balancing the chakra energy centers in the body.

This class has been created to touch on all 7 chakras. We will be doing poses for each chakra. This session is short, about 10 minutes. I want you to see how easy it can be to fit exercise into your daily schedule. Just 10 minutes a day will help you feel better in your body, clear your mind and boost your confidence. Let’s get started.

For this first class you will need a yoga mat and a yoga block or rolled up towel.


Root Chakra Flow (30 min)


Manipura Chakra Flow (45 min)