My Journey

Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned.  Situations change.  Dreams change.  suddenly, you find yourself on a new path.  That, in a nutshell, is how I found my way into coaching.  But you didn’t click the button for a nutshell, you want the whole nut.  Here goes…

Coaching was never the answer I gave to the old ‘what do you want to be when you grow up question’.  In high school I dreamed of being an attorney so I set myself on the path that led to law school.  While I did make it through law school, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted once I finished.  Saddled with school loans I settled into a job I didn’t love just to pay the bills.  Eventually the path led to marriage and kids and then a really strong desire to step away from my career and be a mom.

While I loved being home with my kids, at the same time, I struggled with an internal nudge to be doing just a little bit more.  I started reading one self-help book after another and taking what felt like a million online courses, trying this and trying that, hoping to find something that felt like a passion-driven purpose. 

Somewhere along the journey I discovered yoga and then became a certified yoga teacher.  Yoga led me to life coaching where I discovered that I could help more women, like myself, who struggle with navigating work, motherhood and the desire to live a healthy life if I became a coach myself.  So I did.  Now I’m a certified life and health coach helping women to find wellness without feeling overwhelmed by all of life’s other to-do’s.

My approach is to focus on the five key elements to increasing your health span (diet, exercise, sleep, stress management and cultivating purpose). My program is designed to eliminate feeling overwhelmed by your wellness to-do list by focusing on just one goal for 90 days. 

My desire as your coach, is to help you gain clarity around your goals and then get to work creating your ideal healthy lifestyle.  I want to help you create a passion-filled, purpose-driven and healthy life that you absolutely love all while eliminating the overwhelm that comes from trying to juggle too many goals at once.  Let’s get started!