coaching with Amy

A focused approach.

One Goal.

90 days.

A photo of Amy on the stairs.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your wellness to-do list?  I get it.  Everywhere you turn there is new information about what you should and shouldn’t be doing to get and stay healthy. Eat this, not that. Do this, not that. Try this supplement, take this class, monitor your sleep hours and the list goes on and on. Your wellness journey shouldn’t leave you feeling depleted and guilty for not getting it all done. I want your wellness journey to leave you feeling excited and inspired by the possibilities to come.

My approach to wellness is to focus on just one goal at a time.  Research tells us that it takes 21 days to create a habit, and 90 days to build a lifestyle. You get four 90 day cycles each year.  Imagine the new healthy lifestyle you could create in just one year if you stayed focused on one goal for 90 days without getting distracted and veering off course.

Wellness coaching is a private one to one focused coaching experience. We will work together to evaluate your current life and health satisfaction to discover where you would like to focus. We will uncover the obstacles that have been getting in your way and keeping you from creating the success you long for. I will assist you in creating goals and action steps that support the healthy lifestyle you envision for yourself.  Most importantly, I will become your accountability partner. Together, we will work to help you find clarity around your next steps, learn tools for creating the wellness you crave and help you stay focused and reach your goals.


Who Is It For?

Coaching is for anyone who wants to create change in their lives but struggles with actually making any change. I am a behavior change specialist and I help women who are unhappy and dissatisfied with their wellness, learn how to create meaningful change. Some of my specialties include creating change in diet, exercise, sleep, stress, purpose and confidence. If you’re feeling stuck and you’re too overwhelmed by fear, lack of direction, or just too many goals to take any action towards change then coaching is for you. Don’t wait until you’ve received a scary diagnosis to begin your wellness journey. Get started now.

90 Day Package Includes:

  • 6 one-to-one sessions (in-person, Zoom or via telephone)

  • 12 check-ins (approximately 1 per week via email or text)

  • Workbook of your choice

  • $297.00

How do I Start?

Coaching is an investment in yourself and your future so it’s important that you pick the right coach. Let’s have a chat to determine if we are a good fit for each other. Schedule a FREE Discovery Call with me where you can get all your questions answered, experience some coaching first hand, and begin taking the next step towards wellness.