A 30 Day Challenge To Boost Your Mental Health

September has arrived and for many, that also means a time for transition. Summer turns into fall. Teachers and students head back to school. Our daily routines adjust to accommodate cooling temperatures and earlier sunsets. While some changes come easy, others can be hard to swallow. Either way, transitions wreck havoc on our mental health. I know because I’ve been experiencing one of the hardest transitions a mom can make…sending my son off to college while at the same time his younger brother has started driving and got his first job. A house that’s been a flurry of activity all summer is suddenly dead silent. I’ve been feeling a lot like my reason for being just got up, walked out the door and left me sobbing in a pool of tears on the floor. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for the opportunities available to my kids, but my mental health has taken a hit and it’s time for a reset. That’s why I’m doing this 30 day boost your mental health challenge and I’m inviting you to do it too. Download a copy, stick it to the fridge and let’s boost our mental health throughout the month of September. At the end of the month celebrate taking this time to boost your mental health.

30 Day Mental Health Boost Challenge


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