Woop: an easy strategy for success

I have a fun success strategy to share with you today. It’s called WOOP and it’s an easy way to change your habits and achieve your goals. WOOP is an acronym for “wish, outcome, obstacle and plan” and it works like this…

W: WISH What is a wish that you want to achieve? Make it specific, challenging but realistic and achievable in a time frame.

O: OUTCOME What will be the result of achieving your wish? Clearly visualize it. Allow it to motivate you.

O: OBSTACLE What is the main obstacle that might prevent you achieving your wish? Inner obstacle, not external.

P: PLAN What action will you take to overcome the obstacle? Stated as "when..., then..."

It’s that simple. So, the next time you desire to make a change or achieve a goal, remember WOOP and use it to help you make a plan for success. And, since studies have shown us that people who write down their goals and plans for achieving them are more likely to succeed, I’ve created a downloadable worksheet you can use over and over again. Try it and let me know how it works for you.


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A more fulfilling life begins with a positive mindset