Two Minutes to Purpose

What is purpose photo

Would you like to feel that your day is guided by purpose rather than happenstance? Yes? Then let’s let go of the idea that purpose has to be this huge thing like a figurative strike of lightening to the head or a divine calling from a higher power. I’m not saying those things don’t happen and ultimately help us connect to purpose, I’m just saying it doesn’t HAVE to be that way. And, while we’re letting go of things, let’s also let go of the idea that purpose must be something you get paid to do. Let’s even let go of calling it “your purpose.” How about we just call it purpose and in under two minutes I’m going to help you connect to it. Why? Because one, having a sense of purpose will help you to live longer (How a sense of purpose can help you live longer) and two, it will help you feel good (Purpose-Driven People). 

So how are we going to connect to purpose in under two minutes? By asking ourselves two tiny little questions…

1.     What emotion or feeling do you most want to feel every day?  Love?  Joy? Connection? Success?  Productive?

2.     What activities bring about those feelings?  Talking with a friend?  Cooking for your family?  Writing a few paragraphs in your unfinished novel?  Volunteering in your community? Closing a big deal?

Now go out and do those things that cause you to feel what you most want to feel.  Boom!  You’ve just connected with purpose.  Keep it going by doing more of what makes you FEEL what you most want to feel each day.  Those feelings ARE your purpose.

If you’ve asked yourself those questions but don’t have answers and you would like some help figuring it out, reach out. I offer a FREE discovery call to all new clients. Or, check out my course Clarity | Confidence | Create. Take it at your own pace and discover a brand new you that’s full of purpose.


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Book Recommendation: Passion to Purpose by Amy McLaren