The Daily Habits Checklist

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.

- John C. Maxwell

Are your daily habits supporting your goals or are they keeping you stuck someplace you’d rather not be? That’s a really important question and one I hope you ask yourself daily or at least at regular intervals. Why? Because what you do on a daily basis matters when it comes to moving past those feelings of being “stuck” in life. Your daily habits can either support your dreams and goals and move you closer to where you want to be or they can keep you circling the drain and feeling stuck.

It’s important that you’re choosing the right daily habits that help you to move the needle forward, towards your goals. I feel it’s so important that I created a daily habit checklist that I encourage my clients, who struggle with establishing good habits, to use everyday to help themselves create the habits that will best support their goals.

The daily habit checklist consists of the following questions:

  1. Mindset: Are my thoughts supporting me or limiting me?

  2. Saying No: What do I need to say no to today so I can focus on taking steps toward my goals?

  3. Let go: What do I need to let go of today so I can move forward?

  4. Set boundaries: Where do I need to set boundaries today?

  5. Show gratitude: How can I show gratitude today?

  6. Nurture creativity: How will I be creative today?

  7. Movement: How will I move my body today?

  8. Nourishment: What healthy, nourishing foods am I going to choose to eat today?

  9. Hydration: How will I drink more water today?

  10. Sleep: What can I do today to improve my sleep?

  11. Quiet time: How will I rest my mind today?

  12. Connection: Who can I connect with today that will support me and help me to feel loved?

  13. Nature: How will I connect with nature today?

I encourage my clients to run through this list daily and then take inspired action based on their answers.

Forming healthy, goal supporting habits takes practice and if you need extra help with creating your daily habits you can grab you’re own copy of the Daily Habits Checklist HERE.

Go through the checklist every day and you will soon find that you’re taking the action you need to get unstuck and move forward towards your goals.

Let me know in the comments if you give the checklist a try. I’d love to hear how it goes.

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